Tuesday, September 30, 2008

14 great years

Can you believe it has been 14 years? It has gone by so fast & it has been wonderful! I married the sweetest, smartest, GOOD LOOKING guy! To top it all off he is a WONDERFUL Father to our children who love him dearly! I love you, Babe!

PS I was too cool to smile back then! LOL

Thursday, September 18, 2008

BYU Women's Soccer

Hannah's soccer team was asked to be ball girls in one of the BYU soccer games (Idaho). What a fun great experience for her & us! She got to walk a player out & throw soccer balls to the crowd, throw lots of out of bound balls to the team, & got to play out of the field at halftime! AND to top it all off she got to be on TV! (i have it recorded if you want to see it!) I know the bottom pictures are not the best my camera really stinks but I hope you get the point!



Today Haley got her top row of braces! She is very excited to have them. She even picked blue & white bands for BYU & Colts! She is such a sports fan! She will get her bottoms in 2 weeks!