Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Great 8

8 favorite shows...
1. Heroes
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Dancing with the Stars
4.Project Runway
5. CSI
6. CSI Miami
7. So you think you can dance
8. 90210

8 favorite Restaurants..
1. California Pizza Kitchen
2. Olive Garden
3. Cafe Rio
4. PF Changs
5. Outback
6. Chili's
7. Red Robin
8. Cheesecake Factory

8 Things that happened yesterday...
1. Got my kids ready for school.
2. Picked up a game for Nik.
3. We went to Costco.
4. We went to Walmart.
5. We went to the Dollar Store.
6. We picked up the kids.
7. Baked a cake.
8. I watched the last episode of Project Runway! :(

8 things to look forward to...
1. Halloween parties!
2. Halloween! :)
3. Seeing my kids continue to grow
4. Dinner & a movie with my Babe!
5. Thanksgiving with family in a beautiful lodge!
6. Nikolas 5th birthday!
7. HELLO Christmas!! ;)

8 Things i love about fall..
1. Memories about my Gram.
2. My Anniversary
3. My Birthday
4. All the beautiful colors!
5. Halloween
6. Halloween parties
7. Decorating the house
8. Pumpkin spice candle (yummy)

8 things on my wish list...
1. A vacation with my handsome man.
2. A vacation with ALL my family!
3. A vacation with my friends!
4. Facial & pedi please!
5. Get my basement done.
6. Get my backyard done!
7. Take a 2 month vacation to Huntington Beach.
8. Winning the lottery I never entered.

Thanks, Katy!
I tag Becca, Nat, & Kristine


Anonymous said...

CUTE u got halloween covered! I love it

Brittany said...

Are list would look about the same. Your my kind of women!