Thursday, October 02, 2008

My Gram oxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Today I really miss my Gram! So I wanted to share some of my favorite things about her like how her fave color was RED & she wore red dresses with red socks with Van shoes! Her favorite season was the fall. She loved the fall, & with her love for the fall all her grand kids loved the fall too! I loved playing in her yard as a kid & she would always play with me & when Haley & Hannah played in her yard she played with them too! I love how she took me to get a piece of pie at the worst place in town so she could support her friends business. I loved how she would always take care of everyone's grave & decorate them for every holiday. I have so many more GREAT memories of you, I love & miss you Gram!

Hey, if anyone has any memories of Gram I would love to hear them!


Marsha said...

Why you wanna make me cry? I miss you too Mom. xo

Natalie said...

Oh, I love your post. You had the best Grandma!!!! She was so wonderful to me. I really loved her. I was so so so sad when she died. Josh invited me you her funeral and it took everything in me to not get in my car and go. I so wish that I could have. I have great memories of her. I would go and visit her when she was in the hospital in Provo even when Josh couldn't go. I got to spend a lot of time with her there. I love that she had a fire in her fireplace in the middle of summer. LOL. She was just so sweet.

Sasha said...

she loved to sweat us out! so funny!

Kristine said...

She really was one in a million. It's amazing how easily she could connect with everyone- young and old. Her quick wit and sense of humor was absolutely priceless. One random thing I will always remember is the pictures from Days of Our Lives characters she had hanging in her bathroom (?) is that right? That still cracks me up (no pun intended! LOL)....

Della said...

Great minds think alike Sasha! I laid in bed last night thinking about how much I miss G.G. and wondering how five years could have gone by so fast since she left us. I love that I'm always finding little notes, quotes, scriptures tucked away in drawers, files, my scriptures, bottom of purses that remind me of how much her family meant to her. Thank you for loving us Mom! OXOX

Sasha said...

That's right Kristine! She totally did!!

becca said...

This post, and then all these comments got me a little teary eyed. I miss her so much too! I am so sad my boys don't get to know her or Kanab. What a fun place that was. Right now especially I remember all the leaves that we would rake and then jump in the piles. Thanksgiving in Kanab is the only way to do it. I know the lodge is pretty, but Kanab was WAY better! There are so many things about the fall that remind me of Gram! I miss her!

Brittany said...

Days of our lives, Mash, Beauty and the Beast, Texas Ranger (Chuck Norris) all graced the walls of Grams place for sure. However, I think the pictures of her children, grand-children, and great grand-children dominated the entire house!
If I close my eyes and mentally walk through Grams place, I can still recall every picture, craft project, quote, antique, and keepsake. These images are forever etched in my mind and heart...Just like my memory of Gram and all the gang!
I spent many nights sweating it out on Grams front room floor with that gang. I don't think I ever slept very much. I was too busy laughing with or should I say at my crazy cousins. I'm sure Gram didn't sleep much either for that matter. She never complained. The only thing she would ever say about our noisy nights was that our laughter was music to her ears!oxoxox